Results: 1 .Compared with the control group, the MAC group had a higher prevalence ,31 coronary artery disease (88.28% Vs 65.12%,P = 0.0003),and a higher prevalence el left main coronary disease(15.63% Vs 4.65%,P = 0.007)and triple vessel disease(55.47% Vs 32.56%,P = 0.001).2.On multivariate analysis, MAC(P=0.008)was the independent predictors el coronary artery disease, and the predicting value el MAC were higher than hyperlipidaemia(P=0.02), chesl pain(P=0.0G)and age (P=0.04). 3. The positive predictive value el MAC lot find- ing coronary arlery disease was 88.28%. Conclusions: In patients aged=65years, There is a significant association be- tween the presence el MAC and coronary artery disease. MAC may be an im- portant marker for coronary artery disease. Coronary arteriongraphy should be underwent to the patients with MAC diagnosed by translhoracic echocardiography as a common. Of the risk laclors studied, hyperlension(P<0.05)and diabetes mellilus(P<0.001)were significantly associ- ated with MAC. Hyperlension(P<0.01),diabetes mellitus(P<0.05)and a smok- ing hislory(P<0.05)were significantly more prevalent in patients with AVC than those wilhoul AVC. Hyperlension was significantly more frequent in palienls wilh AVAC(P<0.05).2. There was a progressive increase in age(P<0.001), prevalence of hypertension(P<0.00t)and diabetes(P<0.05) with an increasing number el silos with calcium deposits. 3. Compared with patients with no calcium deposits, those with calcium deposils had a significantly higher positive prevalence el coro- nary arteriongraphy(P<0.0t), and lhere was a progressive increase in positive prevalence el coronary arteriongraphy(P< 0.001).4. Multiple logistic analyses iden- tified the multiple calcium deposits(P<0.01 ), age(P<0.05), male gender(P<0.001 ), diabetes mellitus(P<0.001 ), and hypercholesterolemia(P<0.05)as significant pre- dictors lor the positive prevalence el coronary arteriongraphy. )he multiple calcium deposils(P<0.001)and diabetes mellilus(P<0.001)were significant pre- dictors in lemale patients. In patients aged =55 years, the multiple calcium deposits(P<0.05), diabetes mellitus(P<0.05), smoking history(P<0.05)and male gender(P<0.05)were stalislically significant predictors el the posilive prevalence of coronary arteriongraphy. Conclusions: There is a significanl association between the presence el calcium deposits and coronary artery disease. The presence el multiple calcium deposits is an independent predictor el coronary arlery disease. these measurements. Thirty volunteers with- out a hislory el cardiac disease underwent a HRTTE assessment el their LAD by two dillerenl operators on three separate occasions. Resulls: The correlations lor inlra-operator variability were r= 0.86 (p<0.001), r=0.86 (p<0.001), r=0.81 (p<0.001) and r=0.85 (p<0.001) lot anterior and pos- terior wall thickness and luminal and e~ternal diameters respectively. The correla- lions lot inter-operator variability were r=0.68 (p<0.001), r=0.82. (p<0.001), r=0.76 (p<0.001) and r=0.70 (p<0.001) for anterior and posterior wall thickness and lumi- nal and external diameters respectively. Conclusion: HRTTE measurement el the LAD vessel is reproducible within and between operators in normal volunteers. This technique lherelore warrants lurlher sludy as a potential screening medalily lot subclinical coronary atherosclerosis.