The aim of the article. Modeling different types of IT activities of an enterprise is an important component of enterprise management. Every modern enterprise should be able to use simulation tools. This will maximally accurately reflect the required processes and phenomena and will allow you to get good performance. The results of the analyses. In the article, the authors have shown that there are many methods and models for managing complex systems. However, there are few models that can be used in practice. The article considers the possibilities of using information technologies in the management of the company's personnel. The authors conducted a critical review of literary sources devoted to the construction of optimization models. The authors analyzed the possibility of using models for implementing IT projects and the possibility of applying multicenter decisions in the theory of management. The results of this study are an economic and mathematical model for implementing IT projects for enterprises engaged in information technology. The economic-mathematical model is constructed according to the simulation stages. There are two optimality criteria in the model: the first criterion of optimality is minimization of the total costs for the implementation of projects, the second criterion of optimality is maximizing the efficiency of the work of IT groups. The model of optimal choice of IT orders and distribution of workplaces (IT-projects) among the executors (IT teams) takes into account the following restrictions: on the allocated working time fund; for mandatory inclusion of an order in the plan (for external IT projects) On the optional inclusion of IT projects in the plan (for internal IT projects) by the number of IT projects in each IT team. The article proposes a method for solving a problem. Conclusions and perspectives for further research. This model is dynamic optimization and multicriteria. The model allows to find optimal variants of distribution of orders by executors. Orders are IT projects that need to be completed within a specified time frame. Executors - IT teams, which have all the necessary specialists. The purpose of increasing the efficiency of the enterprise on the criterion of profitability. Key words: information technology, optimization, modeling, marketing, management, IT project, mathematical model DOI: 10.15276/mdt.2.3.2018.4 Sokolovska, Z.M., Andrienko, V. M., & Ivchenko, I.Yu et al. (2016). Mathematical and computer modeling of economic processes. Sokolovskaya, Z. M. (Ed.). Odessa: Astroprint [in Ukrainian]. Ivchenko I.Yu., Chugunov, A.A., Ivchenko, O.I. Ekonomicheskoe modelirovanie kak instrument upravleniya IT-predpriyatiem [Economic Modeling as a Management Tool for an IT Enterprise]. Naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia (29-30 zhovtnia 2015) – Scientific and Practical Conference. Ekonomichna kibernetyka: teoriia, praktyka ta napriamky rozvytku [Scientific and Practical Internet Conference «Economic Cybernetics: Theory, Practice and Directions of Development»]. Odessa [in Russian]. Wentzel, E.S. (1964). Elementyi dinamicheskogo programmirovaniya [Elements of dynamic programming]. Moscow: Nauka [in Russian]. Mocherny, S. (2001). Osnovy pidpryiemnytskoi diialnosti [Fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity]. K.: Akademiya [in Ukrainian]. Klassifikatsiya veb-saytov: tipyi i vidyi internet saytov. Kakie byivayut saytyi [Classification of websites: types and types of Internet sites. What are the kinds of sites]. Retrieved from [in Russian]. Kalinina, L. (2007). Autsorsingovyie uslugi v oblasti informatsionnyih tehnologiy: otsenka kachestva [Outsourcing services in the field of information technology: quality assessment]. Retrieved from [in Russian]. Polyanskiy, Yu.A. Kriterii otsenki effektivnosti otdelnyih vidov funktsiy, peredavaemyih na autsorsing, perspektivyi razvitiya ryinka autsorsinga [Polyansky Yu. A. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of certain types of functions transferred to outsourcing, prospects for developing the outsourcing market]. Retrieved from [in Russian]. Lamben, Zh.-Zh. (2004). Menedzhment, orientirovannyiy na ryinok [Market-oriented management]. SPb.: Piter [in Russian]. Doll, J., Eisert, U. (2014). Business Model Development and Innovation, a Strategic Approach to Business Transformation. The Business Transformation Journal, 11, 7–15. Illyashenko, S.M. (2011). Suchasni tendentsiyi zastosuvannya Internet-tehnologiy u marketingu [Modern trends in the use of Internet technologies in marketing]. Marketing I menedzhment InnovatsIy [Marketing and innovation management]. 2, 4. 64–74 [in Ukrainian].  
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