The Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt) Ug99-emerging virulent races present a major challenge to global wheat production. To meet present and future needs, new sources of resistance must be found. Identification of markers that allow tracking of resistance genes is needed for deployment strategies to combat highly virulent pathogen races. Field evaluation of a DH population located a QTL for stem rust (Sr) resistance, from the breeding line MD01W28-08-11 to the distal region of chromosome arm 6DS where Sr resistance genes Sr42, SrCad, and SrTmp have been identified. A locus for seedling resistance to Pgt race TTKSK was identified in a DH population and an RIL population derived from the cross AGS2000 × LA95135. The resistant cultivar AGS2000 is in the pedigree of MD01W28-08-11 and our results suggest that it is the source of Sr resistance in this breeding line. We exploited published markers and exome capture data to enrich marker density in a 10 Mb region flanking Our fine mapping in heterozygous inbred families identified three markers co-segregating with resistance and delimited to a 1.3 Mb region. We further exploited information from other genome assemblies and identified collinear regions of 6DS harboring clusters of NLR genes. Evaluation of KASP assays corresponding to our co-segregating SNP suggests that they can be used to track this Sr resistance in breeding programs. However, our results also underscore the challenges posed in identifying genes underlying resistance in such complex regions in the absence of genome sequence from the resistant genotypes.