IN [41], Witten has made the remarkable discovery of an intricate relationship between the Jones polynomial [15, 163 and gauge theory. (See also the prophetical article by Atiyah [2].) Although his approach uses the Feynman path integral of Quantum Field Theory, Witten gave convincing arguments that a viable combinatorial approach could be made rigorous using the method of surgery. His discovery includes new 3-manifold invariants (sometimes called Jones-W&en invariants), whose existence was first proven by Reshetikhin and Turaev [30] using quantum groups and Kirby’s surgery calculus [19] (see also [20]). Other combinatorial approaches for related invariants were developed by Kohno [21], Turaev and Viro 1361, Lickorish [22,23], the authors [lo], Morton and Strickland [29], Wenzl [40], Turaev and Wenzl [35]. According to Witten, his invariants should belong to a topological quantumfield theory (TQFT). This notion was axiomatized by Atiyah et al. [6,3] (see also [38]). In particular, the states of a manifold, C, form a hermitian vector space, V(E) (more generally V(x) is a module over a commutative ring k with unit and involution), and a cobordism M from x1 to & induces a transition (k-linear map), denoted Zy, from V(&) to V(&). One has that V(0) is the ground ring k, so that if aA = C (i.e., A4 is a cobordism from 0 to x), one obtains a vector Z(M) in V(x), given by Z(M) = Z,(l). Thus, M induces a state of 8M. In particular, if M is closed, Z(M) (also denoted by (M) in keeping with the physicists’ expectation value notation) lies in V(0) = k, so that TQFTs, by their very nature, yield manifold inuariants. In this paper, we give a purely topological construction of the TQFTs associated to invariants satisfying the Kauffman bracket relations [17], that is, essentially, of the TQFTs corresponding to Jones’ original v-polynomial [15]. We renormalize the invariants 8, of [lo] to construct a series of invariants ( )p of banded links in closed 3-manifolds, and then use these invariants to define, in a “universal” way, modules V,(C) (p 2 l), associated to surfaces x (which may have banded links, too). Here, for technical reasons, all manifolds are equipped with a p1 -structure (a weak form of framing, see Appendix B). We prove the finiteness and multiplicativity properties of the V,(x), using the language of bimodules over algebroids. It turns out that the ranks of our modules are given by Verlinde’sformula. Thus, we are led to believe that ours is a rigorous construction of Witten’s theory for SU(2) (and in some sense also for SO(3), see Remark 1.17).
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