Large wildfires (>40 ha in size) occur about every three years within Army Garrison Camp Williams, located near South Jordan, Utah, USA. In 2010 and 2012, wildfires originating on the practice firing range burned beyond the camp’s boundaries into the adjacent wildland-urban interface areas. The political and public reaction to these escaped fires was intense. Fire researchers at Utah State University were asked if a spatially organized system of fuel treatments could be developed to prevent such incidents in the future. We used a combination of empirically based guidelines and semi-physical fire modeling systems, coupled with climatological data, to make assessments of fire behavior potential for the sagebrush steppe vegetation/fuel types found in AGCW, that also considered slope steepness. The results suggested the need for removal of woody vegetation within 20 m of firebreaks and a minimum firebreak width of 8.0 m in grassland fuels. In stands of juniper, a canopy coverage of 25% or less is recommended. In Gambel oak stands along the northern boundary of the installation, a fuelbreak width of 60 m for secondary breaks (used for segmenting large areas of fuels) and 90 m for primary breaks (used for protecting urban development and valuable natural resources) is recommended.