Next-generation networks will be characterized by three key features: heterogeneity , in terms of technologies and services, dynamics , in terms of rapidly varying environments and uncertainty, and size , in terms of the numbers of users, nodes, and services. The emergence of such large-scale and decentralized heterogeneous networks operating under dynamic and uncertain environments imposes new challenges in the design, analysis, and optimization of networks. The past decade has witnessed a confluence among the disciplines of networks, games, and economics, which has necessitated novel mathematical tools and designs that can truly remove the boundaries between these disciplines. In this context, advancing game-theoretic models and tailoring them towards the optimization and operation of future networked systems become pressing needs for our research community. The main goal of this IEEE JSAC Special Issue on “Game Theory for Networks” is to collect cutting-edge contributions that address and show the latest developments in game-theoretic models for emerging networking applications. The response of the community to the call has been overwhelming. We received a total of 120 submissions. We want to thank all the authors who submitted their works to this Special Issue. After a strict and selective review process, we accepted 40 papers and decided to publish two issues. Papers were selected based on their appropriateness for and relevance to the Special Issue as well as their technical merits. Unfortunately, a number of interesting papers did not make the cut because of the criteria set forth above and also due to the constraints on the total page count in a JSAC Special Issue. We hope that such interesting papers will find other venues for publication.
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