Marc Thiriet' was educated at Medicine Faculty of Lille and University Pierre and Marie Curie ([UPMC] MD), and then at Technology University of Compiègne (3 rd cycle Doctorate in Biomechanics), and Physics College of University Denis Diderot (Accreditation to Supervise Research). He was assistant physician in the lung disease department of Pontoise hospital. He is currently a member of the INRIA-UPMC-CNRS team REO in Laboratory Jacques-Louis Lions (applied math.) of UPMC. He worked in flows in collapsible tubes applied to airways and veins, 3D unsteady developing laminar flows in bend and branchings, both experimentally and numerically, as well as in models derived from 3D reconstruction of human anatomy. He is now involved in mathematical modeling of biological processes. Marc Thiriet is the author of Biology and Mechanics of Blood Flows (2˜Vols.) and the book series “Biomathematical and Biomechanical Modeling of the Circulatory and Ventilatory Systems'' (7˜published books). He was the associate editor for the medical encyclopedia “Pan Vascular Medicine”. He also wrote the chapter 30. Biofluid Flow and Heat Transfer of Handbook of Fluid Dynamics. He is the President of the French Committee for Intensive Computation in Biology and Medicine.