A model is presented for stochastic variations about a horizontal mean water-bottom interface below a shallow ocean channel. A pressure release surface and a rigid bottom are taken as boundary conditions for solutions of a parabolic approximation to the wave equation, when sound speed is depth dependent. A perturbation approach is used to generate a sequence of differential problems, the perturbation parameter being a measure of the deviation in depth of the random bottom from its mean. Green's functions are used to represent the solution to the first two differential problems. The mean and variance of received intensity are then obtained in terms of statistics of the random bottom. In an example, an isospeed channel is treated, and the ratio of the mean and standard deviation of intensity is expressed in terms of the autocorrelation lengths and variances of the random processes representing bottom height and slope variations. The behavior of this ratio is described as range and bottom statistics are varied. Further, the effect on intensity of bottom depth deviations and slope variations are compared. [Work supported by ONR.]