Overview: Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale (RILM) is a comprehensive bibliography of writings about music serving the global music research community. Today RILM has over 650,000 records in 214 languages from 151 countries. All document types are covered in RILM, including e-publications, journal articles, books, dissertations, conference proceedings and Festschriften at the article level, reviews, critical editions, and more. In the year ending 30 June 2011, 39,796 publications as well as 5330 reviews were added to the database. Compared with last year, the national committees submitted almost the same number of citations and a higher number of abstracts. Some aspects of the database have changed, including the classification system and some document type designations. RILM continues to be available by subscription on EBSCOHost and ProQuest, and improvements to the online versions of RILM are aimed at allowing easier and more robust searching capabilities for researchers. Subscriptions are stable and usage has increased considerably. Most importantly, RILM continues to consider how it can best serve the academic music community, and, as always, suggestions and input are very welcome. Committees: This year RILM's national committees contributed citations for 18,695 new bibliographic main records and 1201 reviews, and added 13,699 abstracts. (Last year we received 18,301 new records, 1310 reviews, and 12,592 abstracts). RILM colleagues in China submitted more than 4000 records this year, in Germany more than 3000, in the U.S. more than 2400, and in Russia and Poland more than 1200 each. The Dutch committee submitted over 500 records. Committees submitting between 100 and 500 records include Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, and the U.K. Those national committees from smaller countries that steadfastly contribute abstracts of their important publications to RILM are every bit as valuable, and RILM acknowledges and thanks all of them. We are delighted to announce the establishment of a new committee in Cyprus, headed by Annini Tsiouti. Without our committees, one of the strongest aspects of the database--its international coverage--would be far weaker. For a list of all national committees and members, see www.rilm.org/globalNetwork/index.html. As always, the RILM International Center in New York does its best to add publications not contributed by the national committees or by authors. This year 22,261 main records and 4448 reviews originated at the International Center. However, because the Center has limited or no access to publications in many countries, the only way to ensure their representation in RILM is with local help. To this end, RILM would like to establish new committees in countries that do not actively participate at present, and to add contributors to committees that are not able to keep up with their country's publications. If you would like to become involved in the RILM project or know of colleagues who might be interested in doing so--or if you just want to find out more about what this involves--please contact Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie (bmackenzie@rilm.org) or Zdravko Blazekovkc (zblazekovic@rilm.org). Irish National Committee: In honor of IAML's host this year, and in recognition of the successful revival of its RILM committee, RILM would like to draw attention to the work of the Irish National Committee. Chaired by Kerry Houston at the Dublin Institute of Technology, the members are Adele Commins, Catherine Ferris, Helen Lyons, Maria McHale, Denise Neary, and Bryan Quigley. The previous Irish committee had been quiet for a few years, resulting in a backlog of entries. One of the most important developments during the year was the clearing of this backlog with the assistance of a grant from the Music Libraries Trust (UK), which enabled the committee to pay a researcher to work on records for Irish books and theses that had not been updated in the RILM database. …