The magnetic separation of metal ions provides an alternative solution to traditional separation techniques such as pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, biometallurgy or electrodialysis. Compared to traditional techniques that either use large amounts of chemicals (usually inorganic acids combined with reducing agent), produce large amounts of sludge as solid waste, consume a large amount of energy, or are difficult to separate ions of different charges [1], the magnetic separation of the metal ions can separate ions based on their magnetic susceptibility. This method is environmentally friendly [2] and consumes a small amount of energy (particularly when the system is designed using permanent magnets instead of electromagnets). The goal of this presentation is twofold. First, we derive the set of transport equations that need to be used to simulate the magnetic separation of metal ions in aqueous solutions. Then, we use these transport equations to simulate the magnetic separation process in various magnetic systems and predict the efficiency of magnetic separation of different systems.The mathematical model developed here is based on coupling the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for flow transport with the drift (migration)-diffusion equations of ion transport [3] in the presence of magnetic field gradients. Both the drift-diffusion model and the Navier-Stokes equations include the magnetic force term as an additional driving force. By solving the entire system of equations self-consistently we analyze the effect of the diffusivity, concentration gradients, magnetic field gradients and fluid velocity over the capturing properties of the system. A detailed presentation of the mathematical model, underlying assumptions of the model, limiting cases, numerical implementation in three-dimensional structures, and simulations results will be presented at the meeting. In addition, we will present predictions for the magnetic separation of Li, Fe, Ni, Mn, and Co from the solution phase. Fortunately, these ions have significantly different magnetic susceptibility, which vary over more than 3 orders of magnitude, and which allows for the efficient extraction and separation of the elements from the solution and from each other.