The article presents data on the disease of birds with aspergillosis, the causative agents of which belong to higher imperfect fungi of the class Deuteromycetes, genus Aspergillus, group of cephalosporins. Mold fungi of the genus Aspergillus are very resistant to physical and chemical factors, which significantly complicates the fight against them. It is also necessary to take into account that they belong to zooanthroponoses and under certain conditions pose a threat to human health. Human aspergillosis is an occupational disease of poultry workers and workers of other professions associated with inhalation of plant dust rich in fungal spores. In addition to pneumomycosis, aspergillus (Aspergillus clavatus, Aspergillus fumigatus) can cause allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, affect the skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Despite certain successes in the fight against aspergillosis, today there is an urgent need for further study of the clinical and epizootological features of the course, the manifestation of this poultry disease in farms and diagnostic methods, as well as the development of scientifically based measures for the prevention and control of this disease.
 In order to prevent the disease of poultry with aspergillosis, it is necessary to observe the technology when stocking the farm with poultry and the terms of inter-cycle preventive breaks, thorough cleaning and disinfection of premises before placing each subsequent batch of poultry; to constantly monitor the presence of aspergillus, litter, and fodder coming to farms, depending on the epizootic situation of aspergillosis; ensure optimal zoohygienic conditions for keeping poultry, complete feeding with diets balanced in terms of protein, vitamins, minerals and microelements, etc., proper storage of feed and feed additives, while preventing their damage by fungi of various species from the genus Aspergillus; disinfection of hatching eggs three times with formaldehyde vapors or other disinfectants registered in Ukraine according to the instructions for their use: the first time – as soon as possible after demolishing the poultry house in the disinfection chamber, the second time – before placing them in the incubation cabinet, the third time – after transferring them to the output cabinets. The diagnosis is established on the basis of clinical signs, epizootic data, pathological-anatomical changes and the results of mycological research.
 Laboratory diagnostics for the detection of the causative agent in biomaterial, which includes microscopy and mycological research, are of decisive importance for making a diagnosis. Treatment of birds with aspergillosis is effective with the following drugs: iodine monochloride, iodotriethylene glycol, potassium iodide, sodium iodide, Iodesol, Iodoclin, Iodine checkerboard, chlorine-turpentine, Lugol's solution, copper sulfate, Brovadez-plus, Deiodine, Respiclin, as well as antibiotics - nystatin orally with food or by aerosol, - amphotericin B; Furagin; levorin - orally.
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