Traditionally, the effects of temperature on delay of CMOS devices have been evaluated using the highest operating temperature as a worst-case corner. This conservative approach was based on the fact that, in older technologies, CMOS devices systematically degraded their performance as temperature increases.With the progressive scaling of technology, however, there has been a continuous reduction of the gap between supply and threshold voltages of devices, mostly due to low-power constraints. The latter have accelerated this trend by using libraries containing multiple instances of a cell with different ranges of threshold voltages; in particular, the use of high-Vt cells to control sub-threshold leakage currents has made this gap smaller and smaller.The consequence of this trend is the occurrence of the so-called inverted temperature dependence (ITD), under which cells get faster as temperature increases. This new thermal dependence has made the old worst-case design approach obsolete, posing new EDA challenges. Beside complicating timing analysis, in particular, ITD has important and unforeseeable consequences for power-aware design, especially in dual-Vt logic synthesis. Due to a contrasting temperature dependence between low-Vt cells (which enjoy the classical, direct temperature dependence) and high-Vt cells (for which an inverted temperature dependence holds), a single-temperature worst-case design approach fails to generate netlists that are compliant with timing constraints for the entire temperature range.In this work, we first validate the relevance of ITD on an industrial 65nm CMOS multi-Vt library. Then, we describe an ITD-aware, dual-Vt assignment algorithm that guarantees temperature-insensitive operation of the circuits, together with a significant reduction of both leakage and total power consumption. The algorithm has been tested over standard benchmarks using three different replacement policies.Experimental results show an average leakage power savings of 50% w.r.t. circuits synthesized with a standard, commercial flow that does not take ITD into account and thus, to ensure that no temperature-induced timing faults occur, needs to resort to over-design (i.e., over-constraining the timing bound so as to make sure that temperature fluctuations never make the circuits violating the specified required time for all paths).
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