The genus Chiridotea. is unique to the eastern coastal region of the United States and southeastern Canada. Members of this genus are small (usually < 1 cm. ) , broad, depressed valviferous forms that inhabit sandy areas and charac teristically burrow just beneath the sediment surface. The species described herein constitutes the fourth known species of this genus. Those previously described are : C. coeca (Say, 1818) ; C. tuftsi ( Stimpson, 1853) ; and C. a/myra Bowman, 1955. Included in Bowman's paper is a revision of the generic characteristics of this group. The description of this new form is based on specimens collected on Georges Bank, a relatively shallow portion of the continental shelf east of Massa chusetts, U. S. A. These specimens were encountered while processing collections of benthic invertebrates taken by the R/V Albatross III and the R/V Delaware for the Woods Hole Laboratory, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Material Exa@nined.—Holotype, adult female with oostegites developed, 7.5 mni. in length, deposited in the U. S. National Museum (Catalogue No. 104282); allotype, adult male 6.0 trim. in length (U.S.N.M. Catalogue No. 104280) ; para types, 1 male 5.0 mm. in length and 1 ovigerous female 6.5 mm. in length (U.S.N.M. Catalogue No. 104281) ; all type specimens were collected August 6, 1959, by means of a grab-type bottom sampler on Georges Bank at lat. 41°48' N., long. 67° 53' W. ; water depth 15 fathoms, sand substrate, bottom water tempera ture 57.0°F. (R/V Delaware, cruise number 59-9, station 21). One female, 7.5 mm. in length, collected December 7, 1955, at lat. 40° 51' N., long. 68° 55' W.; substrate coarse sand, water depth 36 fathoms, bottom water temperature 47.2° F. (R/V Albatross III, cruise number 70, collection 3). One male, 6.5 mm. in length, collected December 14, 1955, at lat. 41°40' N., long. 67°36' W.; substrate gravelly sand, water depth 28 fathoms, bottom water temperature 45.7° F. (R/V Albatross III, cruise number 70, collection 38). Five females, body lengths 4.0, 5.0, 6.5, 7.5, 7.5 nim., and two males, body lengths 7.0 and 7.0, collected August 24, 1957, at lat. 41°22' N., long. 68°20' W.; substrate coarse sand, water depth 24 fathoms (R/V Albatross III, cruise number 101, station 64). Three specimens, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5 mm. in length, collected August 24, 1957, at lat. 41° 34' N., long., 67° 28' W.; substrate coarse sand, water depth 23 fathoms (R/V AlbatrossIII,cruisenumber 101,station90). Diagnosis.—Medium-sized Chiridotea with short antennae; flagellum of antenna 2 is much shorter than the peduncle; antenna 1 usually not reaching beyond the peduncle of antenna 2; outer margin of pereion epinieral plates 5—7
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