The practical applications for spintronic semiconductors requires the control of spin to charge current conversion. The ratio of spin current to charge current in a material can be determined from the inverse spin Hall angle (θISHE) and can be experimentally extracted. However, the reported results on the magnitude and the sign of θISHE in various semiconductors are rather diversed in association with the difference in the details of material properties. In this study, we focus on the dopant effects on the θISHE of GaAs. We adopted the technique of ferromagnetic resonance driven spin-pumping to accurately determine the θISHE in the GaAs single crystals with different type of dopants. We found that the magnitude of θISHE is sensitive to the atomic number of dopant (Z), but the sign of θISHE is independent on the dopant type. In addition, the relationship between θISHE and Z follows the Landau-Lifshitz Z2 scaling.
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