Some RecentStudiesof Womeninthe MiddleAges, especiallyin southern france In the introduction to The Voice ofthe Trobairitz (1989), I followed the lead ofhistorians who take a fundamentally positive view, relativelyspeaking, ofthe condition ofwomen in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Thus Joan Kelly, who asked ifwomen had a Renaissance, answered in the negative on the grounds that medievalwomen, as imaged principally in Old French romances, enjoyedagreaterrange ofoptionsthandidwomeninRenaissance Italy.1 Anda historian ofthe Midi such as MartiAureli i Cardona, while tracingthe deterioration ofwomen's status in Provence over the longer duration, found reason to cite a brief window of improvement, a "golden interlude," corresponding to the period of activity of the trobairitz ("La deterioration"). Other scholars take exception to such guarded optimism. Georges Duby proposes that althoughfin'amorwas only a game, and a game played among men, it did help women of feudal Europe to rise from their humiliation-but that meanwhile the evolution of social structures promoted the standing of men, so that the hierarchical distance between the two sexes was not perceptibly reduced ("Le modèle courtois," 276). For Howard Bloch, whose recent book I shall discuss below, the history of women's status since early Christianityseems to show two phases, if not of deepening abjection, perhaps of outright abjection becoming subtler but no less powerful, as the Christian invention of gender, heavily misogynistic and authoritarian, responded to sociolegal advances in women's condition by evolving into the courtly misogyny of the twelfth century, which has continued essentially unchanged down to the nineteenth century and today. For Penny Schine Gold, however, the veryattempt to gauge ups or downs in the condition of women is delusory or at least premature. The notion ofprogress or decline in history obfuscates the complexity, variety, and ambivalence of historical reality___ We should abandon the measuring rod and try instead to understand medieval Recent Studies of Women95 peoplewithin their own terms. Onlythenwillwebe able to appreciate more fully how modern images, attitudes, and experience differ from the medieval, and how much of a fundamental ambivalence, and acceptance of difference and hierarchy we still share with the Middle Ages. (The Lady and the Virgin, XX, 152) Gold defers judgment but does not deny its ultimate interest or perhaps even necessity. Her deferral excuses her from the hard taskofmakingseverejudgmentsnow, possiblyoutofreluctance to speak badly ofthe Middle Ages. It is not clear when, in herview, we shall be able to apply the measuring rod. Bloch does not hesitate to apply it today. His study of Medieval Misogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love (1991)stands out as themost thought-provokingeffort ofthe past threeyears that Ihave come across because ofits broad sweep and boldhypotheses. Blochdriveshiswaythroughahostofdifficulties to arrive at the following concise conclusion: As long as woman was property to be disposed of, shewas deprecated in accordwith receivedmisogynistic notions of the feminine as the root of all evil; but as soon as woman became capable of dispos-, ing-and, more specifically, of disposing of property -she was idealized in the terms ofcourtly love. (196) To unpack this formulation, Bloch puts "courtly love" (which he accepts essentiallyasdescribedbyC. S. Lewis andothers) in a dual contextcomprisingtheChristiangenderinventedbythe fathersof the church around the third through sixth centuries A.D. and socio-economic reality in the twelfth century. Whereas others have seen courtly love as opposite to ecclesiastical misogyny, Bloch sees them in a dialectical relation. The church doctrine of 96William D. Paden virginity envisioned it as a state so pure that it could be sullied by desire, by being desired, bybeing seen or glimpsed or thought of, and therefore exhorted women to a state intrinsically impossible in reality; whereas the courtly loverdesired his lady on condition that she be unattainable, in effect exhorted her to a courtly virginity. Bloch accounts for the movement from one system of thoughtto the otherin terms ofevolution inmaterial conditions of society, finding in the relative socio-economic advantage ofwomen in the Midi the key to the development of the courtly revision of Christianmisogyny. Heformulatesanevolutionfromthepatristic gender-system to courtly love and provides a material cause to explain it. This model ofcomplex historical change possesses the qualityofpower, because it attemptsto encompass avast range of phenomena, and the quality of elegance, as in a mathematical proof, because...
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