Objective: We aimed to evaluate the discordance of 5 mCi (185 MBq) I-131 whole body scan (WBS) and thyroglobulin (Tg) values at the ablation outcome control in differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) patients who had thyroidectomy and then received radioiodine (RAI) ablation. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 36 DTC patients who had RAI treatment in our department between 1992-2009 and whose 5 mCi (185 MBq) I-131 WBS were negative, but Tg values were age;2 ng/ml during the ablation outcome control (Patient group). Thirty-six patients whose Tg values were alt; 2 ng/ml and showed no discordance at the same control made up the control group. Patient and control groups were compared in terms of age, gender, histopathological features, ablation dose, Tg value before ablation, and 24. hour RAI uptake value during ablation. The patient group was then evaluated for the cause of the discordance. Results: There were 28 female and 8 male patients whose mean age was 45.6aplusmn;11.39 in patient group. In the control group, there were 29 female and 7 male patients whose mean age was 41.5aplusmn;11.69. According to the reason of discordance at the ablation outcome control, the patient group was divided into 2 groups: 15 (42%) patients (9 female, 6 male patients, mean age: 50.66aplusmn;10.73) who had metastatic lymph nodes as the reason of discordance constituted the lymph node group. The remaining 21 (58%) patients (19 female, 2 male patients, mean age: 41.5aplusmn;10.44) were the micrometastatic group in which the cause of discordance could not be determined. There were statistically significant differences in soft tissue invasion (palt;0.003), Tg levels before RAI treatment (palt;0.002), and diameter of tumor agt;2 cm (palt;0.035) between patient and control groups. Among the patient group, male gender (palt;0.03), diameter of tumor agt;2 cm (palt;0.05), thyroid capsule invasion (palt;0.03), and ageagt;40 (palt;0.01) were significantly different between lymph node and micrometastatic groups. Conclusion: I-131 WBS/Tg level discordance at the ablation outcome control is mainly caused by metastatic lymph nodes. Turkish Baslik: Diferansiye Tiroid Karsinomlarinda Ablasyon Kontrolu Sirasinda Ortaya Cikan 5 Mci Iyot-131 Sintigrafisi Negatif, Tiroglobulin Pozitif Uyumsuzlugunun Degerlendirilmesi Anahtar Kelimeler: Diferansiye tiroid karsinomu, radyoaktif iyot tedavisi, I-131 tum vucut tarama, lenf nodu metastazi Amac: Diferansiye tiroid karsinomu (DTK) hastalarinda, ablasyon kontrolu sirasinda ortaya cikan 5 mCi Iyot-131 tum vucut sintigrafisi ve tiroglobulin degeri uyumsuzlugunu ve bunun olasi nedenlerini incelemeyi amacladik. Hastalar ve Yontemler: DTK tanili hastalarda ablasyon kontrolu icin yapilan 5 mCi TVS (-) ve Tg degeri age;2ng/ml olan 36 hasta retrospektif olarak incelendi(hasta grubu). Tg degerleri alt;2ng/ml olan ve uyumsuzluk bulunmayan 36 hasta ise kontrol grubu olarak alindi. Hasta ve kontrol grubunun karsilastirilmasinda yas, cinsiyet, histopatoloji, ablasyon dozu, ablasyon oncesi Tg degeri ve 24. saat RAI uptake degeri kullanildi. Ayrica hasta grubu da uyumsuzluk nedeni acisindan incelendi. Bulgular: Hasta grubunda 28K, 8E, yas ort:45.6aplusmn;11.39 ; kontrol grubunda 29K, 7E , yas ort:41.5aplusmn;11.69 idi. Hasta grubunda uyumsuzluk nedenine yonelik yapilan tetkikler sonucunda 15(%42) hastada lenf bezi metastazi saptanirken (lenf nodu grubu), 21(%58) hastada uyumsuzluk nedeni bulunamadi (mikrometastatik grup). Yapilan istatistiksel calismada, hasta ve kontrol gruplari arasinda yumusak doku invazyonu, ablasyon oncesi Tg degeri ve tumor capiagt;2cm acisindan anlamli fark bulundu. Hasta grubundaki degerlendirmede ise, E cinsiyet, tumor capiagt;2cm, tiroid kapsul invazyonu ve yasagt;40 gibi parametrelerin karsilastirilmasinda lenf nodu ve mikrometastatik grup arasinda anlamli fark bulundu. Sonuc: Ablasyon kontrolu sirasinda ortaya cikan 5 mCi-TVS (-), Tg (+) uyumsuzlugunda tespit edilebilen baslica neden lenf nodu metastazidir.
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