OBJECTIVE: 1. Explain the need for an animal model to study intratemporal injuries to the facial nerve. 2. Describe the first rat model of intratemporal facial nerve crush injury. STUDY DESIGN: Animal surgery protocol. SETTING: Animal laboratory. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Although intracranial and extratemporal facial nerve injury models have been described, an intratemporal injury model is lacking. This model is needed for translational research aimed at improving nerve recovery in the fallopian canal. The laboratory setup, anatomy, and surgical technique are described. RESULTS: The success of the facial nerve crush injuries was apparent upon physical examination of the animals. Our animals were followed for at least eight weeks postoperatively, and no signs of significant weight loss or physical distress were observed. INTRODUCTION • Crush injury is favored over nerve transection because it eliminates variables associated with neural re-anastamosis. • Although intracranial facial nerve transection, extratemporal crush and transection, and rat middle ear anatomy have been well described, an intratemporal injury model is lacking1-5. • The purpose of this paper is to describe a simple, reliable, and reproducible method to create a crush injury in an intratemporal segment of the adult rat facial nerve. TECHNIQUE • A curvilinear incision was made on the shaved and prepped postauricular skin approximately five millimeters (mm) behind the ear. The skin was elevated in the subdermal plane towards the ear canal. • The sternocleidomastoid tendon was divided to provide better exposure of the nerve. The dorsal and caudal aspects of the ear canal were incised so that the canal incision was immediately lateral to the tympanic membrane. • The temporalis muscle inserting on this ridge anteriorly and the rhomboid capitis muscle inserting posteriorly were sharply incised and gently dissected caudally and rostrally off of the ridge of bone thereby exposing an approximately one centimeter portion of bone superior to the tympanic membrane (figure 2). • A 3 mm cutting burr was used to remove the lateral bony aspect of the epitympanic region, thereby exposing the ossicles. The ossicles were removed. • Using a 1 mm diamond burr, the bone covering the facial nerve was progressively removed beginning at the posterior aspect of the stylomastoid foramen and continuing antero-medially. Twitching of the ipsilateral vibrissae was often noted when approaching the intratemporal facial nerve. • Jewler’s forceps were then inserted through the middle ear, and the intratemporal portion of the facial nerve within the medial wall of the superior middle ear cavity was crushed firmly for one minute. • Loss of ipsilateral eye blink and vibrissae orientation and movement was evidence of a successful crush injury. Figure 1. An intact facial nerve is shown as it exits the stylomastoid foramen (solid arrow). The bony ridge (dashed arrow) separating the temporalis muscle anteriorly and the rhomboid capitis muscle posteriorly and the location of the large maxillary vein (arrowhead) running along the anterior-inferior quadrant of the tympanic rim are also pictured. Figure 2. A rat facial nerve is shown immediately after a controlled intratemporal crush injury. The intratemporal segment of the nerve is shown after it has been skeletonized (*) from the stylomastoid foramen (solid arrow) to the crush site (dotted arrow). RESULTS & CONCLUSION • Our group had reproducible surgical success amongst various investigators with multiple animals. • Animals were followed for at least eight weeks postoperatively, and no signs of significant weight loss or physical distress were observed. • This technique offers the unique opportunity to study intratemporal facial nerve crush injuries in the adult rat. • Future directions include exploring new therapeutic methods of enhancing neuronal cell survival and increasing neural regeneration following intratemporal nerve injury. REFERENCES 1. Hetzler LE, Sharma N, Tanzer L, et al. Accelerating functional recovery after rat facial nerve injury: Effects of gonadal steroids and electrical stimulation. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2008;139:62-7. 2. Lal D, Hetzler LT, Sharma N, et al. 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