Manganese (Mn) is considered as an essential element for plant growth. Mn starvation has been shown to affect photosystem II, the site of the Mn4CaO5 cluster responsible for water oxidation. Less is known on the effect of Mn starvation on photosystem I. Here we studied the effects of Mn deficiency in vivo on redox changes of P700 and plastocyanin (Pc) in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha using the KLAS-NIR spectrophotometer. Far-red illumination is used to excite preferentially photosystem I, thus facilitating cyclic electron transport. Under Mn starvation, we observed slower oxidation of P700 and a decrease in the Pc signal relative to P700. The lower Pc content under Mn deficiency was confirmed by western blots. Re-reduction kinetics of P700+ and Pc+ were faster in Mn deficient thalli than in the control. The above findings show that the kinetics studied under Mn deficiency not only depend on the number of available reductants but also on how quickly electrons are transferred from stromal donors via the intersystem chain to Pc+ and P700+. We suggest that under Mn deficiency a structural reorganization of the thylakoid membrane takes place favoring the formation of supercomplexes between ferredoxin, cytochrome b6f complex, Pc and photosystem I, and thus an enhanced cyclic electron transport.
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