THE Committee on Science and its Social Relations (abbreviation: C.S.S.R.), instituted by the International Council of Scientific Unions (I.C.S.U.) at its meeting in April last, and appointed in July (see NATURE, 139, 870, May 22, 1937 ; and 140, 358, August 28, 1937, for the members nominated), has recently met in London. It has elected the following officers: President: Prof. F. J. M. Stratton (Cambridge) ; Vice-President: Prof. S. Chapman (London) ; Secretary: Prof. J. M. Burgers (Delft). As a development of the original terms of reference, the Committee has adopted the following more precise statement of the objects of its activity: "to consider the progress, interconnections and new directions of advance in the mechanical, physical, chemical and biological sciences, especially in order to survey, at suitable intervals, and to promote, thought upon the development of the scientific world picture, and upon the social significance of the applications of science“(the corresponding French version reads: “pour examiner les progrès, les rapports rèciproques et les orientations nouvelles dans les sciences mècaniques, physiques, chimiques et biologiques, spècialement afin de rèsumer, à des intervalles convenables, et de contribuer à 1'ètude du dèveloppement de la reprèsentation du monde par la science et de 1'importance sociale des applications de la science”).
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