Cell-free extracts of Clostridiumit puisteurian uii (8) and of Azotobacter vinelandii (2) in the presence of an ATP generating system and an appropriate electron donor, catalyze the reduction of N., gas to ammonia. In recent investigations (3,4,9) of the properties of nitrogenase from these organisms, it has been established that the enzyme system is non-specific for electron acceptor and will catalyze the redtuction of nitrous oxide, cyanide. azide and acetylene in addition to N.. No reproduicible procedutres have beeni reported for the preparation from leguime nlodules of cell-free extracts capable of catalyzing thc reduiction of N., gas. Bergerson (1) has described a methodl for the demoiistratioli of nitrogen-fixation with a brei from soybeani root 11o(Ill1es. In his procedulre, strictly anaerobic conl(litions were necessary for the preparation of the brei and the sensitive '5N technique was uised for the detection of N. fixation. In most of the experiments no more than 6 m,u atoms of N were fixed per mg of brei protein. We have approached the problem of nitrogen fixation by noduiles of symbionts by measturing the rate of reduction of acetylene to ethylene. Intact soybean nodules were shown to catalyze the reduction of acetylene to ethylene at a rapid rate and the conditions Qptinium for the reduction determined (5). The purpose of this commtunication is to report conditions necessary for catalysis of acetylene reduction by breis and cell-free extracts of nodules and the catalysis of No reduction to ammonia by a cell-free extract of a nodule bacteroid preparation. Soybean plants were cultured in the greenhouse or in growth chambers and supplied with a nitrogenfree nutrient solution as described previously (5). When plants were 36 to 40 days old, nodutles were harvested, washed with tap and distilled water and tutilized for the various experiments. The production of ethylene from acetylene was assayed by a gas chromatographic procedure (5) and the reduction of N2 gas to ammonia was determined by the method of Mortenson (7). Whole soybean root nodules consistently catalyze the reduction of acetylene to ethylene (5) btit nodtules macerated uinder aerobic or anaerobic conditions in buffers of variotus types catalyze little or no acetylene reduction. The possibility that phenolic compounds might inhibit enzymes in nodile extracts was suggested by the observation that a DEAE coluimn removed large quantities of green to brown pigments from nodule extracts. These observations led to an 'investigation of procedulres f r the removal of phenolics or related compouinds from no(dtule extracts. Loomis anid Battaile (6) have showu that a solid preparationi of polvviniylpyrroli(loiie (Polyclar AT from the Genieral Aniilinie Corp.), (PVP) effectively remove(l pheniolic comiipotunids from planit extracts prepare(l in a bufferedl ascorbate solution and thuis preventted pheniolic oxidation products from inactivating certain plant enzymes. These proceduires (6) were incorporated into a method for the preparation of nodulle extracts for tuse in acetylene and N. redutction experiments. In a typical experiment 100 g of soybean nodules were collected, washed, and placed in a glove bag which was evaculated and flutshed with argon 3 times. The nodules were macerated in 150 ml of 20 mm potassium phosphate butffer (pH 7.2) containing 1 mM MgCI2 and 200 mm ascorbate adjusted to pH 7.0 with KOH. The macerate was squeezed through cheese cloth and mixed with 50 g of acid-washed PVP. After 10 minutes the PVP and macerate was squeezed through 100-mesh bolting cloth and the resulting brei utilized for the experiment described in table I. For the preparation of cell-free extracts the brei, maintained tinder anaerobic conditions, was centrifuged at 34,000 X g for 15 minuites, the supernatant discarded and the bacteroid fraction suspended in a volume of either 20 mm potassitum phosphate or 50 mm potassitum cacodylate buffer at pH 7.2, (tables II and III) equal to the volume of bacteroid pellet. The suispension was placed in a French press under an atmosphere of argon, cells were forced through