The architecture of the kidney vasculature is essential for its function. Although structural profiling of the intact rodent kidney vasculature has been performed, it is challenging to map vascular architecture of larger human organs. We hypothesised that hierarchical phase-contrast tomography (HiP-CT) would enable quantitative analysis of the entire human kidney vasculature. Combining label-free HiP-CT imaging of an intact kidney from a 63-year-old male with topology network analysis, we quantitated vasculature architecture in the human kidney down to the scale of arterioles. Although human and rat kidney vascular topologies are comparable, vascular radius decreases at a significantly faster rate in humans as vessels branch from artery towards the cortex. At branching points of large vessels, radii are theoretically optimised to minimise flow resistance, an observation not found for smaller arterioles. Structural differences in the vasculature were found in different spatial zones of the kidney reflecting their unique functional roles. Overall, this represents the first time the entire arterial vasculature of a human kidney has been mapped providing essential inputs for computational models of kidney vascular flow and synthetic vascular architectures, with implications for understanding how the structure of individual blood vessels collectively scales to facilitate organ function.