The COI gene region is the most commonly employed method for species identification in insects, as in all animals. The importance of DNA isolation methods is increasing, and they are of great importance for identifying insects. Unlike other large animals, DNA isolation from insects, especially from agricultural pests with very small structures, is possible with expensive commercial kits. In this study, an expensive commercial kit and a fast and economical method were compared in terms of time, cost, DNA quantity and quality. It was found that the success of commercial kits in terms of DNA quality and quantity is unquestionable. However, it was determined that the modified ‘quick and dirty’ method can be successfully used to extract DNA from insects and insect parts of all sizes, especially in studies that do not require long-term storage of DNA. Average isolation time for Q&D was 45 minutes, compared to 4 hours or more for commercial kits. Finally, cost is the most important factor in today’s global economy. The unit cost of DNA isolation using the Q&D method is approximately 88% lower.
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