Background:Aberrant frontal and sagittal plane knee motor control biomechanics contribute to increased anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury risk. Emergent data further indicates alterations in brain function may underlie ACL injury high risk biomechanics and primary injury. However, technical limitations have limited our ability to assess direct linkages between maladaptive biomechanics and brain function.Hypothesis/Purpose:(1) Increased frontal plane knee range of motion would associate with altered brain activity in regions important for sensorimotor control and (2) increased sagittal plane knee motor control timing error would associate with altered activity in sensorimotor control brain regions.Methods:Eighteen female high-school basketball and volleyball players (14.7 ± 1.4 years, 169.5 ± 7 cm, 65.8 ± 20.5 kg) underwent brain functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while performing a bilateral, combined hip, knee, and ankle flexion/extension movements against resistance (i.e., leg press) Figure 1(a). The participants completed this task to a reference beat of 1.2 Hz during four movement blocks of 30 seconds each interleaved in between 5 rest blocks of 30 seconds each. Concurrent frontal and sagittal plane range of motion (ROM) kinematics were measured using an MRI-compatible single camera motion capture system.Results:Increased frontal plane ROM was associated with increased brain activity in one cluster extending over the occipital fusiform gyrus and lingual gyrus (p = .003, z > 3.1). Increased sagittal plane motor control timing error was associated with increased brain activity in multiple clusters extending over the occipital cortex (lingual gyrus), frontal cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex (p < .001, z > 3.1); see Figure 1 (b).Conclusion:The associations of increased knee frontal plane ROM and sagittal plane timing error with increased activity in regions that integrate visuospatial information may be indicative of an increased propensity for knee injury biomechanics that are, in part, driven by reduced spatial awareness and an inability to adequately control knee abduction motion. Increased activation in these regions during movement tasks may underlie an impaired ability to control movements (i.e., less neural efficiency), leading to compromised knee positions during more complex sports scenarios. Increased activity in regions important for cognition/attention associating with motor control timing error further indicates a neurologically inefficient motor control strategy.Figure 1:(a) Participant positioned in the leg press apparatus during fMRI and instrumented with MRI-compatible motion analysis markers (b) Brain activity associated with poor knee frontal plane (green) and sagittal plane (red) kinematics.
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