Traditional techniques for edge computing resource scheduling may result in large amounts of wasted server resources and energy consumption; thus, exploring new approaches to achieve higher resource and energy efficiency is a new challenge. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) offers a promising solution by balancing resource utilization, latency, and energy optimization. However, current methods often focus solely on energy optimization for offloading and computing tasks, neglecting the impact of server numbers and resource operation status on energy efficiency and load balancing. On the other hand, prioritizing latency optimization may result in resource imbalance and increased energy waste. To address these challenges, we propose a novel energy optimization method coupled with a load balancing strategy. Our approach aims to minimize overall energy consumption and achieve server load balancing under latency constraints. This is achieved by controlling the number of active servers and individual server load states through a two stage DRL-based energy and resource optimization algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate that our scheme can save an average of 19.84% energy compared to mainstream reinforcement learning methods and 49.60% and 45.33% compared to Round Robin (RR) and random scheduling, respectively. Additionally, our method is optimized for reward value, load balancing, runtime, and anti-interference capability.