Introduction: The indiscriminate use of levonorgestrel, an emergency contraceptive, can entail significant risks. Although it is effective in preventing pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. Objective: To highlight the risks of frequent use and the side effects of emergency contraception. Methodology: This is a descriptive research, the method used aims to systematically summarize the results achieved in studies on a specific subject or issue. Through a bibliographic survey, based on the consultation and analysis of digital sources: Google Academy, Revista Ibero-Americana de Humanidades, Ciências e Educação, Brazilian Journal of Development and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO). Justification: The emergency contraceptive “levonorgestrel” can result in unplanned pregnancy, as well as does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), where guidance from a health professional is crucial to select the most appropriate contraceptive method and ensure effective and safe family planning.