The present study dwells with the propagation of quasi seismic qP waves in an initially stressed highly anisotropic viscoelastic triclinic layer which is in sliding contact with the upper initially stressed viscoelastic triclinic half-space. The propagation characteristics of all the reflected/transmitted wave generated by the incident qP wave through initially stressed viscoelastic triclinic substratum have been analysed in detail. Closed-form analytical expressions for reflection/transmission (RT) angles, velocity and coefficients of all the propagating waves have been derived. Effects of incident angle, layer width, initial stress and sliding parameter have been analysed and shown graphically. The energy ratio and slowness diagram have also been calculated and depicted graphically. Particular cases of free and fixed welded interface are analysed and drawn for validating the results of numerical simulation. Present work may be useful in domain with highly anisotropic viscoelastic geomedia equipped with initial stress and imperfect bonding between different interfaces such as transform-fault boundary.