The article focuses on the study of filter-sorbing materials (FSM) for the development of small-sized filters and the formation of a modern filters range for gas masks and respirators. There are various kinds of filters, namely particle filters, consisting of a filter material (FM) with protection from aerosols; gas filters, consisting of coal charge with protection from various concentrations of dangerous gases and vapors and combined filters, including anti-aerosol and gas protection. But in industry, due to the improvement of working conditions at enterprises, personal respiratory protection equipment is needed both from aerosols and from low concentrations of dangerous gases and vapors in the air of the working area. The creation of a new small-sized filter with a single filter-sorbing element with low resistance to air flow during breathing is an actual task. In order to form an assortment of modern filters for gas masks and respirators, we studied FSM in the form of polymer or glass fibers sprayed with carbon particles. An experimental series of studies based on the use of FSMs with adsorbents has been carried out, activated carbon (AC) and various absorbers were obtained by impregnation of AC. It is determined that the impregnation of AC with special additives allows for additional protection from inorganic and acid gases and vapors, from ammonia. Comparative tests of the FSMs were carried out with the analysis of the research results. Optimal FSMs have been determined. The fractional composition of coal particles is determined depending on the method of their application. The sorption properties of the obtained FSMs are determined. In this work, for the first time, the combination of a filter material with AC impregnated with chemical additives in particle filters was tested and evaluated. The effect of a combination of AC and a fibrous semi-finished product on the properties of FSM has been studied.
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