AbstractIn this article, we formulate and implement a computational multiphase periporomechanics paradigm for unguided fracturing in unsaturated porous media assuming passive pore air pressure. The same governing equation for the solid phase applies on and off cracks. Crack formation in this framework is autonomous, requiring no prior estimates of crack topology. As a new contribution, an energy‐based criterion for arbitrary crack formation is formulated using the peridynamic effective force state for unsaturated porous media. Unsaturated fluid flow in the fracture space is modeled in a simplified way in line with the nonlocal formulation of unsaturated fluid flow in the bulk. The formulated unsaturated fracturing periporomechanics is numerically implemented through an implicit fractional step algorithm in time and a two‐phase mixed meshless method in space. The two‐stage operator split converts the coupled periporomechanics problem into an undrained deformation and fracture problem and an unsaturated fluid flow in the deformed skeleton configuration. Numerical simulations of in‐plane open and shear cracking are conducted to validate the accuracy and robustness of the fracturing unsaturated periporomechanics model. Then numerical examples of wing cracking and nonplanar cracking in unsaturated soil specimens are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed multiphase periporomechanics paradigm for unguided cracking in unsaturated porous media.
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