Background and Objectives: Primary tooth impaction is a rare phenomenon when compared to permanent teeth impaction, particularly in upper front teeth. The problem could be either a physical blockage of the eruption or a malfunction of the eruption process. Methods: This case study describes a 4-year-old girl who experienced incomplete eruption of her upper right baby front tooth due to an injury. The unerupted tooth was surgically removed. Regular check-ups were recommended to monitor the development of her teeth and ensure sufficient space for her permanent front teeth. Results: This case study describes an unusual situation where a baby's upper front tooth failed to erupt. that associated with trauma. That caused delay in progression of the permanent successor compared to the contralateral permanent central incisor. And by extracting the impacted primary tooth a path of eruption opened for the permanent successor tooth so it will accelerate the progression of erupting the permanent successor and mostly may erupt in the same time of the contralateral tooth. Conclusions: It's crucial to closely watch the eruption of permanent and deciduous teeth to spot and address any issues with tooth eruption early on. Keywords: Primary incisors, Childhood trauma, Impacted tooth.
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