Hom-groups are nonassociative generalizations of groups where the unitality and associativity are twisted by a map. We show that a Hom-group $(G, \alpha )$ is a pointed idempotent quasigroup (pique). We use Cayley tables of quasigroups to introduce some examples of Hom-groups. Introducing the notions of Hom-subgroups and cosets we prove Lagrange's theorem for finite Hom-groups. This states that the order of any Hom-subgroup $H$ of a finite Hom-group $G$ divides the order of $G$. We linearize Hom-groups to obtain a class of nonassociative Hopf algebras called Hom-Hopf algebras. As an application of our results, we show that the dimension of a Hom-sub-Hopf algebra of the finite dimensional Hom-group Hopf algebra $\mathbb {K}G$ divides the order of $G$. The new tools introduced in this paper could potentially have applications in theories of quasigroups, nonassociative Hopf algebras, Hom-type objects, combinatorics, and cryptography.
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