The dominant hydride precipitates have been well demonstrated to follow two types of orientation relationships (ORs) with Ti matrix: OR1 with {0001}//{001}, <12¯10>//<110> and OR2 with {0001}//{11¯1}, <12¯10>//<110>. Within the grains with special orientations, the complicated interactions of different hydride variants inside Ti-hydride diffusion layer are characterized in this work. For OR1 hydride layer, the orientations of {101¯0} plane parallel to the sample surface and a-axis parallel to the normal direction prefer multiple OR1 variants. The orientations favorable for OR2 hydride layer are: {101¯3} plane parallel to sample surface corresponding to the layer with one OR2 variant dominated and c-axis parallel to the surface normal with multiple OR2 variant layer preferred. Furthermore, {101¯2} extension twins and {112¯2} contraction twins are activated to accommodate the OR2 hydride-induced surface expansion and local misfit strain. The stimulation of these two twins is also orientation-dependent: {101¯2} and {112¯2} twins are observed in the grains with c-axis parallel to and deviated from the surface normal, respectively. The further variant selection for each twin mode is performed through shear accommodation of hydride-twin pairs.
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