Owing to the rapid progress in converter engineering, double-fed machines made on the basis of a wound-rotor asynchronous machine are finding wide use both as generators (in wind power engineering and in small-scale hydraulic power engineering applications) and as motors for applications in which the rotation frequency has to be adjusted within a relatively narrow (30—40%) range, and in which certain limitations are imposed on the frequency converter power capacity. In a number of cases, the technology of using these machines as generators or motors dictates the need of running them with a close-to-synchronous rotation frequency, i.e., without adjusting it. Under such conditions, it is proposed to shift the machine in a synchronous mode of its operation by using only the frequency converter’s rectifying part that supplies power to the wound-rotor asynchronous machine’s (WRAM) rotor winding. The use of such solution will make it possible to generate a significantly larger reactive power into the electric network and to use the generator itself in a more efficient manner. The article presents the WRAM mathematical model that makes it possible to study, within the same structure, all WRAM operation modes, including the use of the machine for its direct purpose (adjusting the rotation frequency up and down with respect to its synchronous level), as a synchronous generator with generating significant reactive power to the network, and also as a squirrel-cage asynchronous generator. An analysis of the time curves obtained on the developed mathematical model has shown its high efficiency and adequacy. It also has shown that the proposed solution for switching a WRAM to operate in synchronous and asynchronous modes of operation is efficient and feasible.