This review illustrates definitions of stigma, types, effects of different aspects, factors contributing to different effects and ways to reduce stigma. There are three types of stigmas amongst mental illness stigma, physical deformation stigma, and stigma associated with broader social identities. Moreover, it shows two different effects of stigma, it then explains the consequences of different factors, including psychoglogical consequences and social practical consequences. At the end of the article,it shows the factors that influence stigma and measures to reduce it,and also have summary for the article and future development direction. To sum up, this review tells us a stigma is a negative attitude or idea about a mental, physical, or social feature of a person or group of people that involves social disapproval. We can know that stigma is the dynamic process by which one group imposes human inferiority on another group and maintains it. It is the stereotyping of the group's negative characteristics and thus the masking of other characteristics. Despite the negative effects of stigma, there are strategies to help cope with and overcome these challenges.