cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator(CFTR, ABCC7) is a member of the human ABC protein fam-ily. The characteristic feature of ABC proteins is the similararchitecture of the ATP binding sites and the common mecha-nism of ATP binding and hydrolysis. In contrast to most ofthe ABC proteins, CFTR is not an active transporter, rather itis a phosphorylation and ATP hydrolysis gated chloride ionchannel and channel regulator (1,2). Mutations in both copiesof the CFTR gene may lead to a heritable genetic disease, i.e.cystic fibrosis (CF) with variable severity depending on thesite of the mutation. Certain mutations alter biogenesis or cel-lular processing of the CFTR protein, while others affect itschannel activity. Chemical chaperons, also called correctors(e.g., VX-809) can partially rescue the misprocessing, mostlikely by improving the folding of the protein at the endoplas-mic reticulum (2). Activators of CFTR may function throughelevating cytosolic cAMP (promoting CFTR phosphoryla-tion), inhibiting phosphatase activity (thus blocking CFTR de-phosphorylation), and/or interacting directly with the channelprotein (1). Since CFTR is expressed in the epithelial cells ofseveral organs, CF is a multi-organ disease that affects thesinopulmonary and male urogenital systems, alters pancreaticand biliary secretion, therefore the current average lifespan ofCF patients is approximately 40 years of age (1,2). In mostcases, the primary cause of early onset of death is the progres-sion of lung disease (2,3). The mechanisms by which CFTRmutations cause lung disease in CF patients are not fullyunderstood. It may include altered ion and water transportacross the airway epithelium and aberrant inflammatory andimmune responses to pathogens within the airways (3,4).Several techniques have been developed to study CFTRfunction or to search for CFTR activators or modulatorsincluding halide sensitive fluorescent dyes, electrophysiologi-cal approaches such as patch clamp, short-circuit measure-ments in Ussing chambers and influx or efflux measurementsapplying radioactive ions. In addition to the above techniquesa halide sensitive mutant form of yellow fluorescent protein(YFP) has been also utilized to probe CFTR function meas-uring the iodide-mediated quenching rate of YFP, since theopen state of CFTR is also permeable to iodide ions (5). YFPfluorescence intensity is both dependent on the intracellulariodide concentration and YFP expression level. Therefore, flu-orescence intensities measured in the presence of iodideshould be normalized to YFP fluorescence intensities meas-ured in the absence of iodide to decrease experimental vari-ability related to the differences in sensor expression levelamong individual cells.However, normalization to the un-quenched YFP fluores-cence intensity is problematic especially in flow cytometricassays. The co-expression of a halide insensitive fluorescentprotein can overcome the above problem as was demonstratedby Vijftigschild et al. published in the current issue of Cytome-try Part A (page 576). When the two fluorescent proteins wereexpressed as a fusion protein formation of aggregates wasobserved. To avoid this problem the two proteins were con-nected by an auto-cleavable polypeptide chain (6) resulting inphysically not connected proteins. Theoretically, the expres-sion level of the two proteins may change upon time due to
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