February 22, 2024, marks the 50th anniversary of Pavel N. Romashchenko, a famous scientist, specialist in the field of endocrine, abdominal surgery, and oncology, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, and colonel of the medical service. For more than 30 years, his life has been inextricably linked with the S.P. Fedorov Faculty of Surgery of the Military Medical Academy names after S.M. Kirov, where he worked his way up from a cadet to the head of the department. In the walls of his alma mater, he evolved into a brilliant clinician, scientist, and leader, defended his doctoral dissertation, and received the title of professor. His fundamental work, as well as scientific research conducted in the clinic under his leadership, substantiated diagnostic and treatment algorithms and expanded the possibilities of using innovative and minimally invasive technologies in endocrine and abdominal surgery. Over the years of P.N. Romashchenko’s leadership of the department and clinic, much has been done to improve it with modern equipment, allowing it to perform various surgical and diagnostic interventions as part of the provision of specialized and high-tech surgical care. P.N. Romashchenko was awarded the honorary title “Honorary Doctor of the Russian Federation”. Under his leadership, 2 doctoral and 10 candidate dissertations were defended. P.N. Romashchenko is the author of more than 460 scientific works, including 14 monographs on various areas of endocrine and abdominal surgery. Currently, Pavel Nikolaevich successfully manages various scientific research as well as training scientific, pedagogical, and medical personnel.