Let A be a finite-dimensional algebra, and M be a d-cluster tilting subcategory of mod A. From the viewpoint of higher homological algebra, a natural question to ask is when M induces a d-cluster tilting subcategory in Mod A. In this paper, we investigate this question in a more general form. We consider M as an essentially small d-abelian category, known to be equivalent to a d-cluster tilting subcategory of an abelian category A. The completion of M, denoted by Ind(M), is defined as the universal completion of M with respect to filtered colimits. We explore Ind(M) and demonstrate its equivalence to the full subcategory Ld(M) of ModM, comprising left d-exact functors. Notably, Ind(M) as a subcategory of ModMEff(M) falls short of being a d-cluster tilting subcategory since it satisfies all properties of a d-cluster tilting subcategory except d-rigidity. For a d-cluster tilting subcategory M of mod A, M→ consists of all filtered colimits of objects from M, is a generating-cogenerating, functorially finite subcategory of Mod A. The question of whether M→ is a d-rigid subcategory remains unanswered. However, if it is indeed d-rigid, it qualifies as a d-cluster tilting subcategory. In the case d=2, employing cotorsion theory, we establish that M→ is a 2-cluster tilting subcategory if and only if M is of finite type. Thus, the question regarding whether M→ is a d-cluster tilting subcategory of Mod A appears to be equivalent to Iyama's question about the finiteness of M. Furthermore, for general d, we address the problem and present several equivalent conditions for Iyama's question.