THE purpose of this experiment was to correlate the effect of various types of radiation on the growth and respiration of mammalian tissues in vitro. The results of the effect of x-rays, radium, and radon upon growth in vitro are recorded in a separate paper. We were able to determine the lethal dose and sublethal dose of these three types of radiation for tissues of various origin grown in vitro. As in the experiments on proliferation, we have also attempted to determine the effective dose of radiation for respiration. Material and Experimental Procedure In a previous communication (1) we reported the values of O2 uptake and the respiratory quotients of normal mouse kidneys which showed the most uniform respiration. This type of tissue was, therefore, selected for the experiment with radiation. The kidneys removed under aseptic precautions from three- to four-month-old mice, immediately after pitting, were placed in hollow ground Maximov's slides, a small strip of moist filter paper was placed beside the kidneys in order to avoid evaporation, then covered with a sheet of mica sealed with paraffin wax and exposed to radiation. The reason for using Maximov's slides was because the same equipment was used here as for radiation of the tissue cultures. Since a marked decrease in respiration of normal kidneys was observed when they were kept at room or body temperature for several hours and a very slight decrease in respiration when they were kept at 4° C., the radiation, therefore, was administered at 4° C. While one kidney was exposed to radiation at about 4° C., the other was kept in the refrigerator as a control. After a certain dose of radiation was administered, the kidneys were immediately prepared for respiration in vitro. A Ringer-phosphate solution containing 0.2 per cent glucose and at ph 7.4 was used as a nutritive medium. The respiratory exchanges of the tissue were determined by the use of the Barcroft-Warburg manometric apparatus. An improvement in this apparatus which we have found increases the precision of the measurements and saves more than one hour will be briefly described here. The Barcroft-Warburg apparatus consists of 14 vessel manometers which are normally used for each experiment. For the determination of respiratory exchanges of tissues, each vessel manometer is saturated for several minutes with a gas (with O2 for ærobic and N2 for anaerobic glycolysis). The improvement consists of cross-shaped glass tubes which are connected to each other and to the manometers with rubber tubing. The flow of gas to each vessel manometer is regulated with a screw clamp. When these clamps are once regulated so that the pressure in all vessel manometers is uniform, they need no further attention in the subsequent experiments. Before each experiment the glass tubes are attached to the vessel manometers, the whole system is connected with a gas-tank, and the saturation with gas takes only a few minutes.