Taro (Colocasia esculenta L.) is a tuberous plant called bonggol that grows underground. The high carbohydrate content of taro makes it a top choice as a staple food when looking for alternatives to rice. Taro has great potential to be processed into various food products to help prevent various nutritional problems and generate additional income for local communities. Ngada Regency is one of the districts that has its own natural strengths and is also rich in natural resources such as local food, one of which is taro yam. Quantitative research was used in this study. Data were collected in the form of secondary data or data obtained from books, journals, newspapers, statistical data and other sources. The technique used for this research study is literature study. Ngada Regency has considerable potential for taro yams. Almost all of Ngada Regency cultivates taro yams. However, taro yam processing in Ngada Regency is still quite simple, such as steaming, frying, making compote and animal feed. The people of Ngada Regency certainly have great potential in processing taro yams into industrial raw materials and materials for food needs, such as turning taro yams into taro rice and taro flour. This needs special attention from the local government in empowering the natural resources owned, to open up business potential and encourage job creation for the community, as well as MSME businesses. Ngada Regency is the third largest district on Flores Island in terms of taro yam cultivation, with 2,916 taro yams produced.
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