The article is devoted to the history of development and formation of the Departmentof Physical Education of the Altai State University. The process of development of the departmentis inextricably linked with the process of becoming a university, the first classical university inthe Altai Territory. On January 31, 1973, the bureau of the regional committee of the CPSU, theexecutive committee of the regional Council of Workers' Deputies, adopted a joint resolution «Onthe organization of the Altai State University», which fixed the fundamental provisions related to thecreation of the university. The creation of the university, as well as the creation of the department ofphysical education, was complicated by the fact that ASU was created on an independent basis, i. e.the creation of the material base was to take place as the young university grew. The development ofthe sports base of the department, as well as the material base of the university, began almost fromscratch. For the organization of the university, an unprecedented time for the post-war history ofhigher education was allotted — only three months. At the end of May, a rector was appointed, andin September it was already necessary to start classes.The Department of Physical Education was created among the first departments, which built theeducational process with students, on sports facilities provided at the disposal of the Department onlease terms. The process of creating the sports base of the university began in 1975 and until 1995,the department of physical education, first under the leadership of Dmitry Yakovlevich Zvyagin,and since 1977, headed by the head of the department Petr Yakovlevich Dugnist, with their ownhands, with the help of teachers of the department and students of the university built a ski base, arecreation center “Lake Krasilovo”, a sports hall in the annex building on Socialist Avenue, a sportsand recreation complex. In parallel with the construction, the department solved the issues of theformation of the discipline “physical education”, developed its personnel potential. Much attentionwas paid to the development of sports at the university. Since 1976, and this in the complete absenceof their own sports facilities, students, staff and teachers of the university have actively participatedin city, regional and regional competitions, literally gnawing prizes and championship titles.The article analyzes the stages of development of the department, considers the main directionsof its activities, presents the results of many years of experience of the department. The study usedmaterials on the creation of the university by the first rector of ASU V.I. Neverov, articles andpublications of newspapers: “For Science”, “Altaiskaya Pravda”, “Altai sport”, materials from thearchive of the Altai State University, memoirs of teachers of the department, who have been workingpractically since the foundation of the department.