Reports on medium voltage (MV0 power conversion systems that are enabled by high-voltage silicon carbide (SiC) devices. Thanks to recent strides in power electronics research and the availability of high-voltage SiC power semiconductor devices, we can contemplate building a smart “solid-state transformer” to handle the demands of the smart grid. In electrical distribution systems, the transformers convert thousands of volts MV into lower voltages that can be safely used in homes and businesses. With emerging technologies in building and fabricating MV SiC-based power semiconductor devices, MV power conversion on a large-scale scenario seems feasible. While companies, such as Wolfspeed (CREE), General Electric, Infineon Technologies, Mitsubishi, and ROHM, continue to develop and improve these MV semiconductor devices, we at the FREEDM Systems Center are aiming at the application side of things to ensure a market for these power devices.
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