High-sensitivity interferometers are one of the basic tools for precision measurement, and their sensitivity is limited by their shot noise limit (SNL), which is determined by vacuum fluctuations of the probe field. The quantum interferometer with novel structures can break the SNL and measure the weak signals, such as the direct observation of gravity wave signal. Combining classical interferometers and the optical parametric amplifier (OPA) can enhance the signal; meanwhile, the quantum noise is kept at the vacuum level, so that the sensitivity of the nonlinear interferometer beyond the SNL can be achieved. By analyzing in detail the influence of system parameters on the precision of quantum metrology, including the intensity of optical fields for phase sensing, the gain factor of OPA, and the losses inside and outside the interferometers, the application conditions of high-sensitivity nonlinear quantum interferometers are obtained. Quantum interferometer-based OPAs provide the direct references for the practical development of quantum precise measurement.