Beam current monitoring and normalization is a very important task in ion beam analysis experiments. Compared to current monitoring by conventional method, in situ or external beam current normalization is attractive in Particle Induced Gamma-ray Emission (PIGE), which involves simultaneous measurement of prompt gamma rays of analyte of interest and current normalizing element. In the present work, an external (in air) PIGE method has been standardized for quantification of low Z elements using nitrogen from atmospheric air as external current normalizer, in which 2313 keV of 14N(p,p’γ)14N is measured. It provides truly nondestructive and greener quantification method for low Z elements by external PIGE. The method was standardized by quantifying total boron mass fractions in ceramic/refractory boron-based samples using low energy proton beam from tandem accelerator. The samples were irradiated with 3.75 MeV proton beam and prompt gamma rays of analyte at 429, 718 and 2125 keV of 10B(p,αγ)7Be, 10B(p,p’γ)10B and 11B(p,p’γ)11B, respectively, and external current normalizers at 136 and 2313 keV were measured simultaneously using high resolution HPGe detector system. The obtained results were compared with external PIGE method using tantalum as external current normalizer, where 136 keV of 181Ta(p,p’γ)181Ta from beam exit window material (Ta) was used for current normalization. The developed method is found to be simple, rapid, convenient, reproducible, truly nondestructive and more economical as no additional beam monitoring instruments are required and it is especially advantageous for direct quantitative analysis of ‘as received’ samples.
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