The Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (UPC) and The Queen's University of Belfast (QUB) have been engaged in language design and implementation projects for many years with particular emphasis on languages for scientific and engineering applications. Currently in this language area, the data parallel approach is receiving great attention from users, language designers and computer vendors. One of the major innovations in data parallelism has been the advent of High Performance Fortran (HPF). HPF has been the result of the deliberations of a group of academic, commercial and industrial organizations with interests in high performance computersthe HPF Forum. HPF is intended to provide a 'standard' for parallel programming on a wide range of machines. In the spring of 1993 the HPF Forum produced a report of the HPF language which is described in Scientific Programming [1]. HPF contains directives which are structured comments that suggest implementation strategies or assert facts about a program to the compiler. A program should generate the same results whether the directives are processed or not. In addition, there are a few new features of the language which are direct extensions of Fortran 90. For example, the FORALL construct enables the expression of general array assignments to sections of arrays. To ease the compiler problems and speed up the implementation of HPF, the Forum defined an official subset of HPF as well as the full language. The official subset includes all HPF directives and language extensions but excludes features such as
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