At electrode–electrolyte interfaces, crystallographic defects are frequently implicated as active sites that mediate interfacial electron transfer (ET) by introducing high densities of localized electronic states (DOS). However, conventional defects are challenging to deterministically synthesize and control at an atomic level, hindering the direct study of how electronic localization impacts interfacial reactivity. Azimuthal misalignment of atomically thin layers produces moiré superlattices and alters the electronic band structure, in a manner that is systematically dependent on the interlayer twist angle. Using van der Waals nanofabrication of two-dimensional heterostructures, scanning electrochemical cell microscopy measurements, and four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy, we report a strong twist angle dependence of heterogeneous charge transfer kinetics at twisted bilayer and trilayer graphene electrodes with the greatest enhancement observed near the ‘magic angles’. These effects are driven by the angle-dependent engineering of moiré flat bands that dictate the electron transfer processes with the solution-phase redox couple, and the structure of the relaxed moiré superlattice. Moiré superlattices therefore serve as an unparalleled platform for systematically interrogating and exploiting the dependence of interfacial ET on local electronic structure.