Abstract: The annual statistical survey conducted at the end of 2000 bythe Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy collected responses from3358 (99.94%) of 3360 institutions. Japan's totaldialysis patient population at the end of the year 2000, as identifiedby this survey, was 206 134, an increase of 8921 (4.5%)over 1999. This translates to 1624.1 patients per million population.The annual crude mortality rate was 9.4% for the periodstarting at the end of the year 1999 and ending at the end of theyear 2000. The mean patient age at the initiation of dialysis treatmentwas 63.8 (± 13.9; ± SD)years; the mean age of the overall dialysis patient population was61.2 years (± 13.3). Both these mean ages, whichhad been increasing since 1983, again continued to increase. Amongthe primary diagnosis, the prevalence of diabetic nephropathy hadcontinued to increase again since 1999, to 36.6%, whereasthat of chronic glomerulonephritis had continued to decline, down to32.5%, during the same one‐year period since the 1999 survey.The 2000 years‐end survey incorporated the following additionalvariables for the first time: usage of oral antihypertensives, pre‐and post‐dialysis systolic and diastolic blood pressures, serumHDL cholesterol level, types and dosage of oral Vitamin D analogsadministered, dosage of oral calcium carbonate administered, historyof intervention for peripheral vascular disease (bypass surgery,synthetic graft replacement, stenting), history of coronary arterybypass grafting (CABG), history of percutaneous transluminal coronaryangioplasty (PTCA), whether stenting had been previously performedfor the treatment of ischemic heart disease, number of cigarettessmoked, the type of vascular access used at the initiation of dialysis,and the year and month the vascular access was created.The survey results indicate that 60.9% of the totaldialysis patient population was using oral antihypertensives. Thepatients’ mean serum HDL cholesterol level was 47.65 ± 18.47 mg/dL,showing positive correlation with serum albumin level and reversecorrelation with body mass index.1.6% of all dialysis patients had previously undergone amputation,and 0.7% had a history of bypass surgery for peripheralvascular disorder. 4.5% of hemodialysis patients had ahistory of cardiac infarction, 1.6% had previously undergoneCABG, and 2.8%, PTCA. At the time the survey was conducted,2.0% of all dialysis patients were undergoing oral VitaminD analog pulse therapy, and 6% were undergoing intravenousVitamin D analog pulse therapy. A history of amputation, myocardialinfarction, cerebral infarction, and cerebral bleeding were identifiedas high‐risk factors of vital prognosis. Additionally, high mortality risk was associated with the following: glutamic‐pyruvictransaminase levels exceeding 20 IU/L; positive HCV antibody status; comorbid conditions such as hepaticcell carcinoma and liver cirrhosis; platelet counts below 100 000/mLor equal to or greater than 200 000/mL; C‐reactiveprotein levels of 0.2 mg/dL and higher, leukocytecounts of less than 3000/mL or equal to or greater than8000/mL; and body mass index of below 22 kg/m2,as well as total serum cholesterol levels of below 160 mg/dL or equal to or greater than 260 mg/dL.
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