Complete families of connected graphs, introduced by Catlin in the 1980s, have been known useful in the study of certain graphical properties that are closed under taking contractions. We show that given any complete family C of connected graphs such that C contains graphs with sufficiently many edge-disjoint spanning trees, for any real number a and b with 0<a<1, there exists a finite obstacle family F=F(a,b,C) such that for any simple graph G on n vertices satisfying the Ore-type degree conditionmin{dG(u)+dG(v):u,v∈V(G) and uv∉E(G)}≥an+b, either G∈C or G can be contracted to a member in F. This result is applied to the study of spanning connectivity of line graphs. The spanning connectivity is the largest integer s such that for any k with 0≤k≤s and for any u,v∈V(G) with u≠v, G has a spanning subgraph H consisting of k internally disjoint (u,v)-paths. Z. Ryjáček and P. Vrána in [J. Graph Theory, 66 (2011) 152-173] prove that a fascinating conjecture of Thomassen on hamiltonian line graphs is equivalent to that every essentially 4-edge-connected graph has a 2-spanning-connected line graph. We prove that for any essentially 3-edge-connected graph G and any positive integer s, if G satisfies an Ore degree condition lower bounded by an arbitrary linear function in the number of vertices, then L(G) is s-spanning-connected with only finitely many contraction obstacles. When s=3, we determine a finite graph family J′(n) such that for every simple graph G on n≥156 vertices with κ(L(G))≥3 and satisfying d(u)+d(v)≥2(n−6)5 for any pair of nonadjacent vertices u and v, we have either κ⁎(L(G))≥3 or G is contractible to a member in J′(n).
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