The purpose of the study is to substantiate the scientific implementation of a safety management system based on HACCP principles in the production of juice. Research Methods: Integral Risk Analysis, Decision Tree to Identify Critical Control Points. On the basis of theoretical data and research of the production process, an analysis of hazardous factors affecting the safety of the finished product is made. Based on the requirements of good hygiene and manufacturing practices (GMP and GHP), 13 prerequisite programs have been developed for the enterprise. The prerequisite programs specify which operational records should be maintained by the enterprise. According to the normative documents, which establish requirements for the HACCP system at the Ukrainian enterprises. Obligations in Ukraine are regulated by the provisions of the Code for the Association of Ukraine with the European Union and that it is consolidated on the basis of legislation and regulatory acts. The HACCP group at the enterprise, juice description, identification of specific consumer groups, development and validation of the block diagram, analysis of dangerous factors, establishment of critical control points, establishment of critical limits, monitoring systems, corrective actions, validation and verification procedures, and document management. The description of the juice includes the composition; structure and physicochemical characteristics; microbiological and chemical criteria; type of processing, method of consumer and transport packaging; type of marking; storage and transportation conditions; expiration date; method of consumption, marketing method; information about the intended consumer consumption (use). The production flowchart is based on the technological instructions of the enterprise and tested. Hazardous factors analysis includes biological, chemical and physical factors. On the basis of the analysis of the uncertainties, a critical production control point was established. The critical control point is determined at the stage of heat treatment of the product. Critical limits and monitoring system identified - critical points should be checked daily. Also, monitoring records of critical control points should be maintained on a daily basis. Keywords: safety management system, good manufacturing practices, prerequisite programs, hazard analysis, critical control points (ССР). REFERENCES 1. Uhoda pro asotsiatsiyu, March 21, 2014. – Avialable at: https://zakon3. 2. Pro osnovni pryntsypy ta vymohy do bezpechnosti ta yakosti kharchovykh produktiv Law of Ukraine of December 23, 1997 No. 771 – Avialable at: 3. Plakhotin, V. Ya. Problems of development and implementation of the HACCP system and ways of solving, (2009). – Vol. 36 (2). – Avialable at: UJRN/Np_2009_36%282%29__59. 4. HACCP & HARPC: What is the difference between the HACCP and HARPC (2019). – Avialable at: 5. HACCP, VACCP, TACCP and HARPC – Food Safety Plans Explained, (2019). – Avialable at: plansexplained. 6. Kafetzopoulos, P. Measuring the effectiveness of the HACCP Food Safety Management System (2013). Food Control, Volume 33, Issue 2, October 2013, P. 505–513. – Avialable at: abs/pii/S0956713513001667. 7. Goodrich, Schneider R. M. The Juice HACCP Program: An Overview / R. M. Goodrich Schneider, K. R. Schneider // IFAS Extension University of Florida. – Avialable at: 8. Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs. – Avialable at: 9. Khellier, M. Eksport zamorozhenykh dribnykh fruktiv do YES: Praktychnyy posibnyk dlya ukrayinsʹkoho ahrobiznesu (2017). – Avialable at: 10. Schmidt, R. H. A Model HACCP Plan for Small-Scale, Fresh-Squeezed (Not Pasteurized) Citrus Juice Operations 1 (2007). – Avialable at: Plan_for_Small-Scale_Fresh-Squeezed_Not_Pasteurized_Citrus_Juice_Operations_1. 11. Pyvovarov, YE. P. Systema upravlyannya yakistyu ta bezpechnistyu kapsulʹovanykh napivfabrykativ z probiotychnymy mikroorhanizmamay (2016). – Avialable at: 12. Pro zatverdzhennya Vymoh shchodo rozrobky, vprovadzhennya ta zastosuvannya postiyno diyuchykh protsedur, zasnovanykh na pryntsypakh Systemy upravlinnya bezpechnistyu kharchovykh produktiv (НАССР) : Nakaz Ministerstva ahrarnoyi polityky ta prodovolʹstva Ukrayiny from October 01, 2012, № 590 – Avialable at: Published : 2020-05-12
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