We perform numerical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the gravitational collapse and fragmentation of a cylindrical molecular cloud with the help of the FLASH code. The cloud collapses rapidly along it’s radius without any signs of fragmentation in the simulations without magnetic field. The radial collapse of the cloud is stopped by the magnetic pressure gradient in the simulations with parallel magnetic field. Cores with high density form at the cloud’s edges during further evolution. The core densities are n ≈ 1.7×108 and 2×10-7 cm–3 in the cases with initial magnetic field strengths B = 1.9×10-4 and 6×10-4 G, respectively. The cores move toward the cloud’s centre with supersonic speeds |vz| = 3.6 and 5.3 km/s. The sizes of the cores along the cloud’s radius and cloud’s main axis are dr = 0.0075 pc and dz = 0.025 pc, dr = 0.03 pc and dz = 0.025 pc, respectively. The masses of the cores increase during the filament evolution and lie in range of ≈(10-20)Me. According to our results, the cores observed at the edges of molecular filaments can be a result of the filament evolution with parallel magnetic field.
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