Title: Megalithic Settlements and Rock Burial Culture in Nuabari Village, Lenandareta Village, Paga Sub-district, Sikka District
 Technological developments have a broad impact on all elements of human life, including society's mindset and views. In the past, all activities in human life were carried out manually, but nowadays all human activities are carried out using modern technology and equipment. The impact of technological developments also reaches all residential areas of society. Modernization has become a lifestyle and part of urban society, whereas in rural areas it has only spread to certain aspects. This also happens in East Nusa Tenggara, especially in Nuabari Village, Sikka Regency, which is known as a megalithic village with a stone grave culture. The stone grave culture is a megalithic culture that is still maintained by the Lio tribe, an indigenous tribe that lives in Nuabari Village. The settlement pattern of Nuabari Village still reflects the megalithic residential layout pattern with several typical traditional houses and the placement of ceremonial courtyard areas. The influence of modernization cannot be separated from the lives of the people in Nuabari Village. The impact can be seen in the use of materials and modified forms in some of the residential buildings of the Nuabari Village community. This can raise concerns about the process of erosion of socio-cultural philosophical values which should be the attraction and cultural heritage of megaliths in the Kampung Nuabari settlement.
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