In this paper we explain how the so-called adapted complex structures can be used to associate to each compact real-analytic Riemannian manifold a family of complete Kahler-Einstein metrics and show that already one element of this family uniquely determines the original manifold. The underlying manifolds of these metrics are open disc bundles in the tangent bundle of the original Riemannian manifold. Recall first the notion of adapted complex structures (cf. [7], [12], [16]). Let (M, g) be a complete real-analytic Riemannian manifold. If γ is a geodesic in M , we can define a map ψγ : C→ TM by ψγ : σ + iτ 7→ τ γ(σ). If r ∈ (0,∞], we let T M denote the open disc bundle in TM consisting of tangent vectors of norm less than r (note that we allow r to be infinite). A complex structure on T M is said to be adapted with respect to g if ψγ is holomorphic on ψ−1 γ (T M) for each geodesic γ. We shall usually omit the phrase “with respect to” if it is obvious which metric is being discussed. The manifolds T M are also called Grauert tubes since Grauert used such manifolds in his famous result to show that each real-analytic manifold admits a real-analytic embedding to a euclidean space. Adapted complex structures were discovered by studying certain global solutions of the complex homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation on Stein manifolds (cf. [2], [7], [12], [14]). Their basic properties were treated in [7], [12], [16]. Among others, one has an existence result: if (M, g) is a compact real-analytic Riemannian manifold, then there exists an r ∈ (0,∞] such that T M carries an adapted complex structure [7], [16]. Also the adapted complex structure is uniquely determined by (M, g) ([7], [12]). From now on we shall take (M, g) to be a compact Riemannian manifold and use R to denote the largest element of (0,∞] such that TM supports an adapted complex structure. It was shown in [12] that the energy function E on TM which assigns to each tangent vector the half of its norm-square with respect to the metric g is strictly plurisubharmonic on TM . Thus another theorem of Grauert implies that TM is a Stein manifold. Hence T M is relatively compact and strictly pseudoconvex whenever 0 < r < R. Received by the editors February 2, 2000. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 32Q15, 53C35.
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